Girls at Charlotte House enjoy a wide variety of sports in a co-operative and stimulating environment. Lessons take place in our well-equipped gymnasium and outside on the Tennis and Netball courts or on our extensive lawned area in our garden.
Early Years and Key Stage 1 pupils are taught core skills in gym, dance and ball skills, through individual and group games whilst Key stage 2 pupils learn to develop these skills in ever increasing competitive and challenging situations. From Year 3 onwards classes have swimming lessons where the focus is on stroke development and water safety. Outdoor Education also features in our PE curriculum with Years 4, 5 and 6 classes taking part in orienteering, caving, team building, rafting and canoeing activities at the local Outdoor Education centre.
We run a thriving extra- curricular PE programme at Charlotte House where we offer everything from ballet and gym lessons for Reception pupils upwards to Netball, Rounders, Taekwondo and early morning swimming training for our older girls. From Year III onwards girls are encouraged to take part in fixtures and galas against other local schools.
Whether it is through competitive sport, co-operative work or independent exploratory sessions we equip the girls with the physical tools and motivation to remain active into adolescence and beyond.